
Something I will remember in five years is how a bunch of students who didn’t have much in common came together and grew together as poets quite like the "Dead Poets Society"
Chloe May
I was afraid to share my poems but through the workshop I became a lot more comfortable with others reading my writing. Everyone was super kind and supportive.
Maria Soboleva
Poetry is a lot more powerful than I realized. Poetry is much deeper and much more vast than simply being “good” or “bad” at it. It is a creative expression
Kyle Wasserman
So many of the poems I had read before the workshop didn't resonate with me. After spending time in the workshop, I feel like I now see poetry in a new light.
Arda Tukenmez

Poetry is so satisfying and fulfills the urge of needing someone to relate to what you’re feeling. There were so many poems we read in class that connected with me on a personal level, and I had never been able to put that emotion or that thought into words.
Ellen Feng
Poetry has allowed me to express myself freely. It has broken a huge communication barrier I have. Whenever I feel like I don’t know how to express something, I’d have confidence expressing it in a poetry form that I like.
Eskinder Belayneh
I had no idea of the plethora of poetry that aims to express the human experience in such a variety of ways. Now, I see poetry as a mechanism of expression for anything that the poet wishes to write on.
Katie Rees
I used to think poetry was something I had to analyze and ponder upon for days after reading it, but now I think poetry is a valuable asset to life that lets me appreciate my moments and listen from others. Poetry can unite people through its power.
Seoyoung Kim
As a future educator myself, I really admire Saxon's ability to engage with students. He always listens to what everyone has to say, and accepted everyone’s answers in a constructive way. Above everything else, I really love to see how passionate he was about poetry and teaching each week
Jenna Deitrich
My favorite part about the workshop was the discussion we had in class after reading each poem that Saxon gave to us to read in class. Each poem that he picked just left the entire class speechless and initiated a really exciting conversation that the class was engaged with for the entire hour.
Katie Rees
Saxon does a great job with allowing each person to be comfortable with their creations. He never pushed too hard to make someone share and supported those who did. He has an awesome tendency to make people feel good about their work which really allows passion to grow.
Tyler Cariaga
Saxon did a great job curating relevant and enjoyable poems for different lesson plans throughout the semester! We had enjoyable, light-hearted discussions and were able to veer slightly off-topic at times to keep the atmosphere comfortable for people to share.
Reshma Jasmin
I admire how Saxon is considerate of his students' situations and makes sure he isn't putting a huge workload on them. That's what I want from every teacher. I could not ask for a better workshop leader.
Eskinder Belayneh
Saxon's enthusiasm and passion definitely made this workshop so much more enjoyable. His energy really helped me look forward to attending class. I'm glad this is how I'll be ending my time in College Park Scholars.